Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Design
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are a vital part of modern surface water drainage design, leading to improved water quality and providing other environmental benefits to help reduce flood risk and mitigate the effects of climate change.
SuDS form part of the National Planning Policy Framework and are required as part of a drainage strategy for planning by Lead Local Flood Authorities. The inclusion of SuDS is a consideration in the awarding of sustainable certifications, such as BREEAM credits.
Flood & Civil provide innovative design solutions for sustainable drainage systems, from concept design to planning and through to detailed design for construction.
Some common types of sustainable drainage systems which we can design are rain gardens, bio-retention areas, attenuation basins, swales, ponds, permeable paving, rainwater harvesting and geo-cellular attenuation tanks. We can also assist with the specification and coordination of green, brown and blue roof systems.